XP code (take 2)

Subject: XP code (take 2)
From: Hubert Figuiere (hfiguiere@teaser.fr)
Date: Tue Feb 13 2001 - 10:00:03 CST

After ready all this thread on XP code, and after analyzing Abi XP code, I
found that we should be able to do more stuff in XP code.

So here my proposal for XP GUI.
We need to make a XP abstract toolkit that handle widget. The scope of this
toolkit is to provide an XP way to build dialog and to access to widget
inside this dialog to fetch / show data. The intent is NOT to have a loyout
engine, not to rewrite widget, not to handle widget hierarchy. Let this to
the platform code.
Common methods that we will find would be setValue(), getValue(),
setState(), getState(), etc. Hence the code that fetch/set value from/to
widgets will move to XP code.

When looking to different platform code, I have seen parts that appear in
several platform. This means that they can be moved to XP code.
For platform object instantiation, we currently do an explicit 'new' on the
platform class. This means that this instantiation must be in platform code
event if functionnally it is XP. So why not, for each XP class that is
abstract to provide platform FE don't we declare a static method (for
example XAP_Class::constructPlatformObject()) that we will implement in the
platform code (ie we provide declaration un XP code and implementation in FE
code) thus allowing to instantiate this object from XP code. This have been
made for some, but not for all. Or I am missing something.


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