Re: XP code (take 2)

Subject: Re: XP code (take 2)
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Wed Feb 14 2001 - 14:28:07 CST

>I just want to understand exactly what Dom is commenting on here.
>Was this comment more like "don't make up our own widgets for us to draw
>ourselves" or was it like "Don't invent e.g. a new class MXGroup just
>because this is what radio buttons logically is, and don't let each
>platforms XP (XAP) code handle the creation, selection and so on for such a
>Mutually Exclusive group of radio buttons"?

Creating things to make our life easier is one thing - and a good thing. For
example, creating a class to manage radio buttons XP is great. What I don't
want people to do is to spend (waste?) their time trying to reinvent
wxWindows or something like that ("don't make up our own widgets for us to
draw ourselves"). I'd love it if creating a dialog was easier and had more
code shared between platforms and I'm all for this.

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