Re: XP code (take 2)

Subject: Re: XP code (take 2)
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Wed Feb 14 2001 - 16:11:06 CST

At 10:41 PM 2/14/01 +0100, Mike Nordell wrote:
>This I agree with 100%.
> [snip]

Yeah, sounds like we all need to give Mike a break so he can produce some
*code* people can pick on. ;-)

There are definitely a number of inane ways to solve the wrong problem here.
It's quite clear that nobody here is willing to accept any such solution.
For now, let's just trust that Mike's not an idiot and let him go code
whatever he's got in mind so we can all see how it works.

We can each place our own private bets on whether we'll like what he
eventually produces, but every additional email we send on this subject
delays the real test -- looking at a specific proposal from Mike in the only
three forms that matter:


I don't mean to stifle valid discussions on specific design issues, but
really folks...

>I _can_ live without comments even resembling "fuck you, this is
>impossible". :-)

Yeah, such comments are only beneficial insofar as they motivate a "I'll
show you all" reaction. If we just piss you off we'll never learn whether
you were right all along. :-)

motto -- more rock, less talk

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