Re: Reveal codes (was Re: Zero-length Runs and show codes)

Subject: Re: Reveal codes (was Re: Zero-length Runs and show codes)
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Thu Feb 15 2001 - 17:54:13 CST

At 05:36 PM 2/15/01 -0600, Sam TH wrote:
>Also to concur with your other email: reveal codes is useful for
>fixing problem caused by formatting instructions that you thought you
>got rid of, but really didn't. Or other such cruft that the word
>processor thought needed to be there, but you really didn't want.
>Sure, it would be great if this never happened in Abi. And I've never
>actually needed to look at the source of an Abi document to fix a
>problem in the document that I would have used reveal codes for. But
>I highly doubt it won't be useful someday.

OK. Sounds like we all understand each other. My contention is that any
"such cruft" is a bug that should be fixed directly. Period.

I just purely *hate* the idea of designing a feature into our UI whose sole
reason for existing is that we screwed something else up. Broken by design
was never what I was shooting for.

To the many people who believe that we may need these feature "someday", all
I ask is that you *wait* to implement this until:

  - that someday really arrives, and
  - we agree that there is no "real" fix for the underlying problem.

Anything less just feels like giving up.


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