Re: Zero-length Runs and show codes

Subject: Re: Zero-length Runs and show codes
From: Jesper Skov (
Date: Wed Feb 14 2001 - 10:12:04 CST

>>>>> "Randy" == Randy Kramer <> writes:

Randy> Jesper, Comments interspersed below.

Good comments, Randy. Ta!

Randy> Word 97 does that, in fact it looks bigger than the rest of the
Randy> font -- it is as tall as an uppercase letter but has a
Randy> descender as well.

I think I would argue in favor of using a fixed font size / style for
these things.

Randy> Word uses the line with the with text in it, like:

I assumed that's where it came from. Oh well. It's not really a big
issue. It can be made configurable to support both styles. I think
that's the best approach - but I'll get stuff working with the current
scheme first.

Randy> Showing a line break this way would appear to be overkill --

That's what irked me. But IMHO consistency is better so I guess it
should stay like that.

Randy> see next paragraph. Would <pagebreak> be on a line of it's own
Randy> (maybe easy to see) or would it be "buried" at the end of the
Randy> last line of a paragraph?

<pagebreak> be at the end of the _rendered_ paragraph. It can appear
in the middle of a logical paragraph. It would appear at the same
place as the current --pagebreak-- except it wouldn't be so
"verbose" to look at.

Randy> I think we should gather several opinions on this. In Word,
Randy> things like font and bold do not show up in any "show codes"
Randy> view. The Tools | Options | View | Nonprinting Characters |
Randy> All (View All for short) is (AFAIK) the closest thing to it (in
Randy> combination with the style "combobox" on the toolbar) .

Randy> View All shows paragraph marks (the backwards P), newline marks
Randy> (the carriage return character), spaces (as "light" elevated
Randy> dots), tabs (as right arrows -->), and things like section,
Randy> page, and column breaks.

OK, seems we want two separate options for selecting which markers to
show. No problem.


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