make tidy, folks! (was Re: makefile(.abi) vs. autoconf/automake/libtool/etc.)

Subject: make tidy, folks! (was Re: makefile(.abi) vs. autoconf/automake/libtool/etc.)
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Fri Feb 16 2001 - 11:03:57 CST

At 08:58 AM 2/16/01 -0600, Sam TH wrote:
>One question: what does make tidy do? I've never used it.

Ah, the light dawns. Now I understand why people want autoconf -- they
clean thoroughly when all they need is to tidy up a bit! :-) :-)

This a lightweight variant of 'make clean' that just removes the objects
associated with an arbitrary subtree:

For example, say you update an internal piecetable API and want to rebuild
just that library:

  cd abi/src/text/fmt/ptbl
  make tidy

Or say you just want to refresh the entire UI:

  cd abi/src/wp
  make tidy

>Furthermore, there isn't a top-level make tidy available.

Since the tidy target dives, you can invoke it anywhere at or below the
following node of the tree:


The reason there's not an explicit toplevel target (ie, in abi/Makefile) is
because using tidy to clean the entire tree would be criminally stupid when
'make clean' does the whole job *so* much faster.

And the *last* thing I want to do is encourage criminal stupidity. :-)


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