Re: Commit: date field

Subject: Re: Commit: date field
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Fri Feb 16 2001 - 19:53:12 CST

At 07:58 PM 2/16/01 -0500, Dom Lachowicz wrote:
>Implement "date" field. Many more field types to come in the near future.
>Word and OpenOffice have a ton of fields and types, and it'd be really easy
>to implement most of them in AbiWord. So I'm going to :-)


Before you go too far down this path, a consideration:

I continue to believe that the current fields markup will cause us a host of
problems in the long run, because it just doesn't map well onto the RTF/Word
notions of fields as containers.

Thus, I should ask -- if I invest the time needed to revive all my design
notes on what those more extensive changes would entail, would there be
anyone able to do anything with them?

Adding a whole bunch of specific field definitions is easy (with either
design) -- the hard work is the surgery to the PT and layout editing logic
to swap the underlying processing models.

Our other alternative is to stick with the current design for 1.0, then
introduce incompatible changes for version 2.0 of the file format. That
idea makes me cringe, but I really can't afford the time to implement a
complete fix myself.


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