header/footer sections (was Re: Run rewrite status [2001.02.16 - 20:50 CET])

Subject: header/footer sections (was Re: Run rewrite status [2001.02.16 - 20:50 CET])
From: Paul Rohr (paul@abisource.com)
Date: Fri Feb 16 2001 - 19:43:44 CST

At 08:53 AM 2/17/01 +1100, Martin Sevior wrote:
>You'll need to put in code to determine in you're in edit header/footer
>mode and while in this mode you have to retrict the range of allowable
>positions to just the header/footer section your editing. Otherwise you
>can easily jump from a header to a footer or to a header/ footer of a
>different doc section.

IIRC, most of the code we have for walking back and forth through strux had
to have special-case logic to go up and out to the next level. Policy
decisions about whether to continue walking "out" like this can be
controlled by an optional bool argument, no?

>There is a major problem with editting header/footer code. The
>hdrftrSection is not formatted.

Yeah. I wondered whether that approach would continue to work well when we
had to start editing.

>All the run's in that section have NULL
>pointers for their lines. I did this because I didn't want lines without
>pages. Only the shadows of the hdrftrSection have containers. Now it might
>be we can live with lines in hdrftrSections but I suspect it will lead to
>problems. I don't think I've traced through all the places where runs with
>no lines will cause segfaults either.

I'm not sure I understand. It's pretty easy to envision documents which
will want to have multi-line headers and/or footers. (In fact I'm pretty
sure I've already hacked documents which used that feature.)

Does this not work?

>I put editting headers/footers in the too hard basket for now but if you
>want to try to make it work, go for it :-)

Yeah. The biggest problem would be how to reflow the other containers on
the page as the headers grew or shrunk.


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