Re: The splash screen

Subject: Re: The splash screen
Date: Thu Feb 22 2001 - 02:25:08 CST

> I liked the behavior of the splash screen since a few weeks ago. It
> would be immediately covered up once the abiword window came up, and
> would no longer be an annoyance. Now it hovers above the window and
> you have to chase it with the mouse and click or sit back and wait to
> get rid of it. Who made this change and why?

No, the version I have where the splash screen is hidden is v. irritating -
what's the point of a splash screen if you can't see it? If it bugs you
that much, why not add a '-nosplash' command line option and alias it?


      Jayne Gilmour, BSc. MSc.  Unix & Network Administrator 
       Department of Computer Science, University of Exeter

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