Re: Insert Symbol oddity

Subject: Re: Insert Symbol oddity
From: Pierre Abbat (
Date: Wed Jul 11 2001 - 15:20:41 CDT

On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Pierre Abbat wrote:
>I opened a blank document and hit the symbol button, picked Verdana as the
>font, and saw ASCII on the first three rows, then boxes and Cyrillic. Where's
>Latin-1? Why Cyrillic? How do I see the rest of the font?

More details:
Arial shows as Arial Black and the seventh row is Cyrillic lowercase, order yu
a b ts d e f g .... Row six is mostly box drawing characters. The only capital
Cyrillic letters are Yo, which is 0xd3, and some characters used in non-Russian

Comic Sans shows Cyrillic; the sixth row is mostly empty.

Courier shows totally empty.

Cyberbit shows Cyrillic and box-drawing characters.

Impact shows Times Roman. So does Lucida Calligraphy.

Lucida Console shows Cyrillic and box-drawing characters.

Monotypecom shows Cyrilic and box drawing characters.

Trebuchet shows a mixture of Romanian, Hungarian, Czech, and Polish characters.

Verdana shows Cyrillic and box-drawing characters.


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