Re: localization formats proposal

Subject: Re: localization formats proposal
From: Karl Ove Hufthammer (
Date: Tue Jul 17 2001 - 11:11:04 CDT

ty 17 jul 2001 17:09:53, Dom Lachowicz

>> Yes, but how spell checking works should in *no* way be
>> dependant on the current locale.
> I would disagree with this assessment, and I will explain why:
> A user?s locale is a very good indicator of one?s default
> authoring language.

Yes. (Though I think quite a few people write 'en-US' documents,
even if they're using a different locale.)

> In the uncommon cases, our current scheme allows the user to
> override the default dictionary either by:
> 1) the preferences dialog
> 2) the language dialog

Isn't the 'default' dictionary tied to the language of the text?
Or, in other words, isn't the default language for new documents
based on the current locale/preferences.

> We want to make things work ?out of the box? for as many
> people as possible, and I think that mapping a user?s locale
> to a particular dictionary is a good idea, unless someone
> convinces me otherwise.

Mapping the users' locale to the default language for new
documents is a good idea. Mapping a locale to a dictionary is IMO
a bad idea. If text in a document is marked to be in a different
language than it *is*, this will lead to problems.

Karl Ove Hufthammer

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