Re: compiles but crashes upon execute on OS X

Subject: Re: compiles but crashes upon execute on OS X
From: Hubert Figuiere (
Date: Fri Jul 27 2001 - 02:48:58 CDT


> I just got the latest sources from anonymous CVS tonight and tried
> building AbiWord for the first time. I was thrilled to see it
> successfully compile all the way through!

I'm happy to see that the documentation is complete enough so that you can
build it without anyhelp. That is a first achivement :-)
Did you use the "make" or the "./configure; make" process ?

> Unfortunately, when I try to
> run the resulting, I get a flash of a blank white panel or
> dialog, then OS X's generic "application has unexpectedly quit" message.
> I'm sorry to be describing the crash so simplistically, but that leads
> to my question: is there some way I can trace what specifically happened
> that led to the crash? I'd be more than happy to send along output that
> could be used to examine the problem - I just need to know how. :)

Currently don't consider AbiWord for MacOS X as a working product. It is
not, it is still work in progress and the core is still not in place. It may
crash (and actually does to some extent).

Currently I only launch AbiWord from the command line. I also only build
debug build to be sure I get all the debugging information that get
displayed in the

> I didn't see any recent discussion of problems running under OS X in the
> archives. I didn't see any messages indicating success, either.

Yeah, I'm the only developer on the list, hence discussing it would be a
monologue :-)
BTW for the reason explained above there is no user yet.


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