Re: insert/overwrite mode

Subject: Re: insert/overwrite mode
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Mon Mar 05 2001 - 18:24:48 CST

Oh dear.

When I was citing the DOS shell as a model for GUI behaviors, I never
dreamed that anyone would think I was in *favor* of it. Yikes!

We already have:

  - a positive GUI indicator for this mode (on the status bar)
  - infinite undo in case you wind up in it accidentally
  - a preference item to turn off this behavior permanently

I don't mind promoting that switch to the prefs dialog, but anything more
seems like overkill. A vertical blinking cursor means what it means to
modern GUI users, so let's not mess with it.


PS: Note to self -- next time, when you're looking for an incredibly dated
GUI precedent, skip directly to IBM 3270 displays. :-(

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