Re: Commit: A boat load of things

Subject: Re: Commit: A boat load of things
From: John L. Clark (
Date: Tue Mar 06 2001 - 17:11:37 CST

On Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 01:34:36PM -0800, WJCarpenter wrote:
> sam> Ignore should *never* *ever* result in squiggles. Ignore means "I
> sam> do not want the spell checker looking at this word again."
> I agree that that's a good semantic intention for "Ignore", though I'd
> tweak it to be "looking at this instance of this word again".
> However, we don't have an implementation that does that. (Neither
> does MSWord, I think.)

So you want words to remember that they've been spellchecked (and
ignored) for future spellcheck sessions? It appears that when you have
multiple of the same misspelled word, run a spell check, and just choose
"Ignore" on any number of them, then if you spell check again, they will
pop up as being misspelled again. However, if you choose "Ignore All",
all of the words in the document which match the current one are
_permanently_ ignored, even in future spell checks.

Given this behavior, is it really necessary to implement a complex
structure to make individual "Igores" maintain state? If you really
want Abiword to forget about a misspelling, I would think "Ignore All"
is your ticket.

You note that Ignores would persist across sessions, and it's true that
that is cool, but I question whether it's needed. Doesn't Word have an
"Add to Dictionary" feature which is meant to augment dictionaries so as
to avoid words being spell checked in the future? Should we investigate
this route, instead? It seems to me to make more logical sense in the
context of what the intent is in ignoring a spelling error.


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