non-latin1 locales question

Subject: non-latin1 locales question
From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Wed Mar 07 2001 - 04:29:21 CST

When I run AW under a non-latin1 locale (utf-8 in my case), I get a
warning at startup gdk-warning: locale not supported by c library. I
know for a fact that my c lib supports the locale and this warning
has never proved a problem. However, people who run under
genuine he_IL locale get this warning too, and their keyboard input
is impacted, Hebrew chars being treated as the extended chars
from latin1.

Does this happen on other non-latin1 locales? How does gdk
determine whether the locale is supported or not? Any suggestions
how to get around this?

Thanks Tomas

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