Re: Bugzilla

Subject: Re: Bugzilla
From: Sam TH (
Date: Fri Mar 09 2001 - 05:39:47 CST

On Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 11:02:35AM +0100, Lukas Pietsch wrote:
> Hello,
> what happened to Bugzilla? I filed a number of things in it last Bugday,
> and they seem to have been lost. There was one more new bug (can't remember
> the bug#, but it was about RTF import) and a couple of remarks on older
> bugs.
> Currently Bugzilla shows only those things that were committed roughly
> before Wednesday night, 24.00 hours MEZ.
> Did someone throw them out on purpose? Or did they never arrive? Anyone
> knows what happened?

Ok, here's the story.

At about midnight CDT on Wednesday, I backed up the bugzilla database,
and installed a more recent version of bugzilla. This didn't work,
due to some low-quality bugzilla code, and the significant
modifications made to our version of bugzilla.

Then, I removed the new version, and restored from backup. The time
that this was down was about an hour.

Theoretically, this process should not have produced any data loss.
The backup method works properly, and teh restore method does too.

However, there was data loss. Fortunately, it appears that I have and
additional backup, with the lost data. So I will be merging the two
sets of new changes right now.

Please don't add anything bugzilla for the next hour.
sam th --- ---
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