Comments and new bugzilla

Subject: Comments and new bugzilla
From: Tom Briggs (
Date: Sun Mar 11 2001 - 00:07:35 CST

   First and foremore, thank you for getting us a newer version of
bugzilla (even if it isn't live yet). Thank you a million times over.

   Two quick comments:

   1. Any chance we can get an "All Windows" OpSys value, or something
similar? Some bugs are Win9x specific, some are WinNT specific, and some
aren't version specific at all; it'd be nice to be able to differentiate
(how many times has somebody reported a bug and had Dom and I say
"works for me on Win2k"?).

   2. Though I'm sure you're already aware of this, I'll say it to make
myself feel better: the OpSys values for Windows platforms in our current
bugzilla setup are "Windows 95" and "Windows NT", while the OpSys values
for Windows platforms in the new bugzilla are "Windows 95/98" and "Windows
NT/2000". It appears that the values in the existing bugzilla database
will need to be modified to reflect the new strings, as currently any
searches performed using one of the Windows OpSys values returns no bugs.
presumably due to the differing string values (and they're in there,
believe me :P).


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