Re: code ownership (was Re: Bugzilla comments)

Subject: Re: code ownership (was Re: Bugzilla comments)
From: Sam TH (
Date: Mon Mar 12 2001 - 19:38:31 CST

On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 12:15:56PM -0800, WJCarpenter wrote:
> This thread reminds me to ask, is there a way to be notified of all
> new Bugzilla entries? I know that there is a very nice filtered way
> to get notices on state changes for stuff I'm connected to in some
> way, but we need a way for people to "subscribe to the bugzilla list"
> to volunteers can step up.
> (Looking at these here what you kids call web pages every day isn't
> that handy for us old dinosaurs used to having our info spoon-fed to
> us in email messages.)
> Probably a feature I just couldn't figure out how to find, right?

To the best of my knowledge, there is not such a feature currently.
However, adding it should be really easy. You would just have to push
a few things onto an array at one place in the morass of Perl that is
bugzilla. Good ways to get this done are:

1. File a bug on it in Bugzilla's bugzilla, at
2. Wait for me to write it, which will be a few weeks at a minimum,
most likely.
3. Write it yourself. Our bugzilla is in our web cvs repository, and
patches are happily accepted.
sam th --- ---
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