RE: dogfood feedback -- Smart Quotes

Subject: RE: dogfood feedback -- Smart Quotes
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Mon Mar 26 2001 - 19:13:01 CST


wjc> We can collapse all of those cases and just say that when smart
wjc> quote stuff creates the aggregated UNDO blob, it not only does
wjc> the delete/insert of the old and new quote, but it also does a
wjc> delete/insert of the character following the replaced quote (and
wjc> does all that in an order such that the UNDO machinery does the
wjc> insertion point stuff that we've been talking about).

I wailed away on this for a bit last night before concluding that this
simple and elegant solution doesn't quite work out. The problem is
that I did too good a job when I implemented it. Smart quote
promotion doesn't just happen when you're typing. It happens any time
you're inserting text. UNDO is one such time. So, UNDO/REDO of two
characters instead of a single character gets the insertion point
where we want it, but it also causes re-promotion of the smart quote

So, this bit of simple elegance is out. It will probably be some time
before the appropriate bit of simple elegance smacks me in the head.
In other words, I don't expect to work on this again before the tree
closes this week. It doesn't seem like an important enough thing to
stick some ugly code on until the right solution arises.

bill@carpenter.ORG (WJCarpenter)    PGP 0x91865119
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