Re: Violating the page size / margins

Subject: Re: Violating the page size / margins
From: Jesper Skov (
Date: Thu Mar 29 2001 - 14:52:10 CST

>>>>> "WJCarpenter" == WJCarpenter <bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG> writes:

jskov> So I figure, if we render text in red when it's outside of the
jskov> margins, we'll help the user find and fix these.

WJCarpenter> Is that significantly better than just letting them turn
WJCarpenter> on the layout marks to see the margin on the screen? --

What I'm _really_ after is what the behavior should be when AbiWord
cannot render what it's been asked to do. There are at least 2 or 3
bugs related to this.

What happens when margins are so close that long words do not fit?

Presently, I think we just try to draw stuff, even if it doesn't fit
on the page, and leave the clipping to the toolkit.


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