Can I mutilate UT_iconv_open()?

Subject: Can I mutilate UT_iconv_open()?
From: Kevin Vajk (
Date: Fri Mar 30 2001 - 18:06:31 CST

I am wondering if I can modify UT_iconv_open().

The deal on HP-UX is that the package configure script has to edit a file,
because by default HP-UX doesn't recognize the same code-page names that
tend to be in use on PC's and what not. (If I don't do this, abiword on
HP-UX just can't open MS-Word documents.) For example, what PCs call
"CP1252", HP-UX calls "cp1252". What PCs call "UCS-2", HP-UX calls "ucs2".
My current work-around is to edit HP-UX's config files at installation time.

However, what I'd like to do is modify UT_iconv_open() such that if
iconv_open() fails, it'll try a few different permutations on the
strings before giving up. (For example, it would convert to lower-case
and remove dashes, then try again.)

Does this sound really ugly to you guys? I realize that HP-UX isn't
really your target platform, so let me know if you think this is the
wrong thing to do. Thanks!

- Kevin Vajk

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