Re: Alt-Insert

Subject: Re: Alt-Insert
Date: Tue May 01 2001 - 15:53:25 CDT

On Tue, May 01, 2001 at 03:17:19PM -0500, Sam TH wrote:
> Well, theoretically the GNOME 2.0 libraries are frozen in July, and
> they need to be ported to GTK 2 by then.
> More importantly for us, we need to port AbiWord to GTK/GNOME 2 by the
> end of the year, in order to be part of GNOME 2.0
> This is another reason to do 1.0 soon, so we can break the tree
> horribly for that.

That is no reason at all.
If so, please explain ABI_OPT_LIBXML2, ABI_OPT_PSPELL, ABI_OPT_*

Do not argue without arguments.
Here are mine:
  1) any distro not running gtk compatibility libs for at least an year is too dumb to even be considered (just look at the transition from gtk+ 1.0 to 1.2, there was a gtk10-libs). This way, there will surely be a gtk12 for more than long enough time for us to adapt to the new toolkit version using something like ABI_OPT_GTK2 and ABI_OPT_GNOME2

  2) getting a 1.0 (specially with such a huge change in the horizon) because of a major upgrade in libs is like saying: in the other point of the world it's raining, so I better take my umbrella with me. It has nothing whatsoever to do with it.

  3) to be in gnome 2.0 we better have gtk2 and gnome2 support ready by that time. Well... considering gtk+ api is considered mostly stable, we can start doing that already. bothering ourselves for a 1.0 iron curtain will only make us loose time, because we are getting a god damned 1.0 out. I think this is as dumb as it can be.

Oh... when will you ever learn [ Nick Cave, 1st track of No More Shall We Part ] to an end user it doesn't matter whether AbiWord is 1.0 or 0.20, its rather more worrysome for them what I believe I have no need to repeat myself with, and it's much more of a loss of time of development.

Call it AbiWord 2001 (masking the not 1.0 if you *REALLY* think that end users do care about that -- except when they think it's really a final product from 1.0 and it doesn't have the features most would like) or what ever, but please, do not send a most surely unthought argument like that.

Hugs, rms

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