Re: Topic: Versioning scheme and 1.0

Subject: Re: Topic: Versioning scheme and 1.0
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Thu May 03 2001 - 05:03:20 CDT

On Thu, 3 May 2001, Jesper Skov wrote:
> Anyway, we should make an entry in the FAQ (and the weekly news) about
> the new numbering scheme, so people can see that AbiWord has been in
> development for 3 years before the change.

Please don't do that yet! I'm not ready to agree to a new versioning
system. We've spent years telling people what our versioning system
is. I'm not ready to change that. Not at least until I'm overwhelmed with
good reasons.

We will look REALLY silly if we chop and change. I stand by what I said
before. There IS a natural break in abi development coming soon. We've let
lots of people know about it. There will be a substaintial delay in new
releases once we start to implement tables.

The Linux style versioning system makes sense. Release 1.0, then 1.01,
1.02 etc. as stable bugfixes only. This has the benefit of eventually
producing a "perfect" application with a limited feature set but no bugs.

We hack away on 1.1x branch. I assure you all once tables get hacked on
Abi will be unstable for a while.

I think the original plan makes sense. GnuCash has a limited functionality
in the 1.4 release but is never-the-less useful. They're hacking on a much
more featureful 1.5X series now. We should do the same.



PS. I hate the Word 2000 Tables UI. I'm hacking on one now and I can't
make it come out right. If it had been done with tabs and lines ala Abi,
I'd know exactly how to make it work.

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