RE: FmtMark

Subject: RE: FmtMark
From: Chris Winne (
Date: Thu May 03 2001 - 06:36:17 CDT

At Thu, 26 Apr 2001 05:36:17 -0700, Paul Rohr wrote:

> people wanted a way to preserve certain formatting information

Perhaps there could be a way to "capture" the FmtMark state, and paste it
to another location. I am thinking of my 12-year-old daughter's (who, by
the way, also love "The Ant") of, when typing up questions for school (in
*bold* and particular indent), then goes back and fills in the answer notBold,
and with a different indent. This requires her (unless there is a feature
we are missing) to manually change the font/indent on each answer, as the
formatting defaults to that of the question. If one could just paste in
the proper set of formatting codes before the "answer", it would be so

> [**] Where "madness" == "reveal codes". ;-)

This was one nice thing about reveal codes - it is possible to just cut and paste the formatting, though this of course required all the formating to be
contiguous. Again, to cut ALL the formating from a particular location and
paste in somewhere else would probably eliminate any desire this particular
user has for the "madness".

Chris Winne

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