POW: ImageMagick multipurpose graphic importer

Subject: POW: ImageMagick multipurpose graphic importer
From: Hubert Figuiere (hfiguiere@teaser.fr)
Date: Thu May 03 2001 - 08:01:58 CDT

Given the recent thread about image support, here is a POW.

What we'd like to have is to be able to import something
else than PNG or BMP. Lots of discussion happened, I did
commit some "disabled" code to JPEG import using libjpeg,
but it appeared that ImageMagick would be a good solution
to import graphics file within Abiword.

For those who don't know, ImageMagick is a robust collection
of tools to manipulate and convert various graphic image formats.
See http://www.imagemagick.org/ for more information.

The POW would be to write a graphic importer that use
ImageMagick to import a bunch of graphic files format. This
would be done in ie_impGraphic_Magick.cpp
Currently it should only use libMagick as provided by different
Linux distribution or by the main ImageMagick distribution.
It can also restrain to bitmap image format.
Important file formats would be:
        JPEG, GIF, TIFF, XPM.
Adding more should be trivial however.


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