Re: POW: ImageMagick multipurpose graphic importer

Subject: Re: POW: ImageMagick multipurpose graphic importer
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Thu May 03 2001 - 10:30:50 CDT

Please don't anyone do this until after I actually code/check-in the new
proposed imaging framework. Otherwise we'll have lots of duplicated


>From: Hubert Figuiere <>
>To: Abiword Dev List <>
>Subject: POW: ImageMagick multipurpose graphic importer
>Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 15:01:58 +0200
>Given the recent thread about image support, here is a POW.
>What we'd like to have is to be able to import something
>else than PNG or BMP. Lots of discussion happened, I did
>commit some "disabled" code to JPEG import using libjpeg,
>but it appeared that ImageMagick would be a good solution
>to import graphics file within Abiword.
>For those who don't know, ImageMagick is a robust collection
>of tools to manipulate and convert various graphic image formats.
>See for more information.
>The POW would be to write a graphic importer that use
>ImageMagick to import a bunch of graphic files format. This
>would be done in ie_impGraphic_Magick.cpp
>Currently it should only use libMagick as provided by different
>Linux distribution or by the main ImageMagick distribution.
>It can also restrain to bitmap image format.
>Important file formats would be:
>Adding more should be trivial however.

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