Re: Commit: autoconf and new import/export framework

Subject: Re: Commit: autoconf and new import/export framework
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Thu May 03 2001 - 11:58:22 CDT

>Maybe I'm just being dense, but shouldn't this be done at app startup

You're not being dense, but I'm certainly confused. Your last email said
"we're doing this in APP startup time (in XAP land). this is bad (for XAP
reasons)" and now you seem to be asking "shouldn't we do this on APP

>From src/af/xap/xp/xap_App.cpp

        // initialize the importers/exporters

Now, if you're arguing for the init() calls to be removed and have those 40
or so registerImporter() / registerExporter() calls in ap_UnixApp (and then
duplicated across all front-ends), I'm all for it. Change and commit the


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