coding standards vs. HP-UX (was Re: [ BOUNCE Non-member submission from [jacob berkman <>]])

Subject: coding standards vs. HP-UX (was Re: [ BOUNCE Non-member submission from [jacob berkman ]])
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Thu May 03 2001 - 12:30:23 CDT

At 12:04 PM 5/3/01 -0500, Sam TH wrote:
>Lots o' patches. Obviouly, the HP compiler developers need to be
>taken out and shot. :-)

Maybe so. :-)

However, rather than form a firing squad, we'd probably be better off
updating our coding standards so we know not to use any of those problematic
idioms in the future.

For example, we already include a reference to the Mozilla team's guide to
XP-safe coding techniques, but perhaps it should be more prominent:

In particular, many of the recommendations listed there help make code safe
for, you guessed it -- the HP-UX compiler. ;-)

Our stance to date has been that we *want* to see more compilers grinding
away on our code because the more of them we can satisfy, the cleaner our
code will become.

envisioning N versions of lint in parallel

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