Re: Topic: Tables and 1.0

Subject: Re: Topic: Tables and 1.0
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Thu May 03 2001 - 12:55:10 CDT

eric> I'm glad we agree, mostly. The only pushback I will offer, to
eric> you and to others here, is this: Believing that the dynamics of
eric> your team are different from a "corporate" team is an illusion.
eric> Lots of corporate teams also get to choose their feature set.

I think you have missed the point. It's not the dynamics of the team
(though I do disagree with what you said above). It's the nature of
the product.

People have made comments to the effect of users being denied access
to AbiWord until it "ships" or is labelled as "1.0". In most
corporate/product worlds, users don't get access to new stuff before
or between major shink-wrapped releases. The best you usually get
(and you usually don't get even this) is patches for big problems.
Who hasn't been trapped waiting for some interesting thing because
it's blocked by some other thing that has to be in the big bang

In the sort of non-product that AbiWord is, anybody can choose to take
a milestone release like 0.7.14 that has had some sort of vetting.
People who get AbiWord second-hand (e.g., RedHat or whatever) will
typically get the latest milestone release that was available on the
packager's release schedule. Or, people can even be adventuresome and
take as many daily builds as they want directly from the AbiWord
download site.

If someone knows of someone who is planning to make an honest-to-god
you-can-buy-it-right-here-from-us product out of AbiWord, that person
should raise his/her hand and tell us about it so that everybody knows
what we're dealing with. I don't see anything wrong with there being
someone with those plans, but as long as it's just hypothetical, I
don't see why it should be factored into any AbiWord planning.

bill@carpenter.ORG (WJCarpenter)    PGP 0x91865119
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