Re: Topic: Just Works and 1.0

Subject: Re: Topic: Just Works and 1.0
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Thu May 03 2001 - 22:46:07 CDT

Paul writes:

> A. "Ship it" ... Include the feature, even though it only half-works.
> B. "Next release" ... Leave it out, and release it when it Just Works.
> C. "Stall" ... Hold this release indefinitely, until it Just Works.
>That's the $64,000 question -- A or B or C? With arguments, if you please.

Well, here's my tale, though many already know it. My opinions differ
slightly, yet significantly from Paul's. I'm mostly in the "B" camp, but
with some special exceptions-

"A" is simply not acceptable. However, I'd apply some metric to the feature
to see if it worked "acceptably." Acceptably might be 99.99% but not 100%.
Few things will ever pass this metric, though I believe that it's important
to evaluate each on a feature-by-feature basis.

"B" has its merits. Things need to get prioritized, moved up, back, etc...
Things should get released when they work *and* meet a set of
pre-established criteria, such as a feature matrix or roadmap, milestone,
etc... It is _extremely_ important to have such milestones, requirements
gathering, specs, etc... so that one knows what he/she is working toward,
and what exactly has been decided to be considered a "X.Y.Z" release.

"C" also has its merits, depending on the percieved value/importance of the
feature. Some things are simply worth holding up a release cycle for.
Granted, not a whole lot of things make this category, but some quite
important things can and eventually will. And I'm all in favor of making
accomodations, where appropriate. Again, I use the metric & case-by-case
example as in "A"

Feel free to disagree, but "With arguments, if you please.:-)"


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