Re: SVG and compound images

Subject: Re: SVG and compound images
From: F J Franklin (
Date: Fri May 04 2001 - 08:36:11 CDT

On Fri, 4 May 2001, Leonard Rosenthol wrote:
> At 10:34 AM 5/4/2001 +0100, F J Franklin wrote:
> >Hi, I'm currently working on WMF -> SVG translation as part of libwmf2.
> Have you talked with Bob Friesenhahn
> (<>) from the ImageMagick team? Bob has
> already been working with Dom on this and has such functionality already
> integrated into IM.
> You missed a big choice - ImageMagick!! It already includes a
> good implementation of SVG, supports reading in WMF files (and outputting
> as SVG, or just rendering them) and is open source.

Thanks for the feedback. I do know about Bob Friesenhahn though I haven't
heard from him recently. I don't use ImageMagick, though I have built it a
few times, and I `stole' from its BMP coder when writing libwmf2, and
don't know anything about its SVG support.

The goal of writing WMF -> SVG is cutting out all the intermediate steps,
and hopefully getting better results. Especially since ImageMagick's WMF
coder is based on libwmf, not on the yet-to-be-officially-released
libwmf2, and is not yet fully featured - but correct me if I'm wrong.

Plus, there's abiword to consider, keeping the number of additional
libraries and dependencies to a minimum, which is a bit of a joke with
ImageMagick (though not with a mini-ImageMagick etc. etc. etc.).

libwmf2 links with libpng, zlib, freetype (2); optionally libjpeg;
optionally expat or libxml2; optionally other stuff.

> >The difficulty arises when (a) there are multiple raster images; and/or
> >(b) there is a mixture of raster and vector graphics.
> Why is that a problem? SVG fully supports raster images - either
> inline or external.

I stand corrected. Happily. I'm fairly new to SVG.

What is the format for inline images?

Regards, Frank

Francis James Franklin

Their consultation consisted chiefly in propounding and supporting, for
the thousandth time, each his favourite theories.
                                                   --- George MacDonald

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