Re: SVG and compound images

Subject: Re: SVG and compound images
From: Leonard Rosenthol (
Date: Fri May 04 2001 - 13:39:55 CDT

At 02:36 PM 5/4/2001 +0100, F J Franklin wrote:
>Thanks for the feedback. I do know about Bob Friesenhahn though I haven't
>heard from him recently. I don't use ImageMagick, though I have built it a
>few times, and I `stole' from its BMP coder when writing libwmf2, and
>don't know anything about its SVG support.

         I suggest you check out the latest versions as you'll probably
find a LOT of good stuff in there that you didn't even know about...

>The goal of writing WMF -> SVG is cutting out all the intermediate steps,
>and hopefully getting better results.


>Especially since ImageMagick's WMF
>coder is based on libwmf, not on the yet-to-be-officially-released
>libwmf2, and is not yet fully featured - but correct me if I'm wrong.

         Correct, we are still using (AFAIK) libwmf. I didn't even know
there was a libwmf2 until I read your message. Any chance you folks will
be supporting EMF files??

>What is the format for inline images?
<image width="1546" height="2198" xlink:href="data:;base64,data goes here />


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