Subject: RE: GIFs
From: Pierre Abbat (
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 13:09:01 CDT

On Thu, 10 May 2001, Duncan Lock wrote:
>FWIW I agree with LDR but I'm not sure I understand the reasoning behind
>Pierre's original point: Why should full sized screenshots be .png and 3/4
>size screenshots be .pnm? Why shouldn't all the screenshots just be .png?

No, the 3/4 shots should be .jpg . When you take a screenshot it has a few
colors and compresses nicely with PNG. When you shrink it, it has a lot more
colors and the file size is much larger. JPEG compression handles this sort of
image better than PNG compression, so the file is smaller, though it is still
almost three times as big as the full-size image. PNM is totally uncompressed
and is just used as an intermediate format.


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