Styles again.

Subject: Styles again.
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Sat May 12 2001 - 21:19:34 CDT

Hi Folks,
        I would like to open another debate about styles again. Right now
if a property is not defined in a style it gets set to the default
value. Consequently if I delete the font-family property in a style and
apply it to a paragraph, the paragraph gets it's font-family set to "Times
New Roman". I would rather the font-family is left at it's current

What I want to do is define a style like "LightBlue". All this does is
change the colour of a paragraph to "LightBlue" leaving all other
properties untouched. The "delete properties" button allows this for the
definition but the application of the style screws things up.

I think this can be fixed in the backend but the question is should this
be the default behaviour or should it be a new type of style? Should we
have "Paragraph Overlay" and "Character Overlay" type styles that only
apply the definitions present to the text,leaving all else untouched?

Opinions please! My present inclination is to make styles only affect
properties defined in the style but I'm sure the Abi designers had their
reasons for doing things the way they did.



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