Commit: More styles improvements.

Subject: Commit: More styles improvements.
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Wed May 16 2001 - 21:16:35 CDT

Hi everyone,
          this provides substantial improvements to the styles dialog and
backend. Character styles now work.

Just a quick reply to Paul. Thanks for your input on the styles. They help
a lot. I have gone quite some way to properly implementing the required

Yes we should reopen the pruning paraproperties debate. I think it is at
the heart of the problem with styles too.

However even more basic is that our hash table has NO MECHACHISM to remove
a previous defined member. We really need this.

I know thatDom and John were working on on a new implementation of the
hash table. Until that is done I'll hold off committing my next round of
improvements, on my hard disk which enables almost everythingelse we need
for styles.

So Dom and John, whenever you're ready, I'll merge my next stuff with your
new hashtable.



PS. Sorry for the even more garblled email than usual. I'm at conference
on highly interconnected computer clusters (The GRID ) but the connection
to the outside world is roughly the equivalent of a 300 baud modem on a
bad day.

CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
CVS: Committing in .
CVS: Modified Files:
CVS: abi/src/af/ev/unix/ev_UnixKeyboard.cpp
CVS: abi/src/af/ev/xp/ev_EditMethod.cpp abi/src/config/
CVS: abi/src/text/fmt/xp/fv_View.cpp
CVS: abi/src/text/ptbl/xp/pd_Document.cpp
CVS: abi/src/text/ptbl/xp/pd_Document.h
CVS: abi/src/text/ptbl/xp/pd_Style.cpp
CVS: abi/src/text/ptbl/xp/pd_Style.h
CVS: abi/src/wp/ap/unix/ap_UnixDialog_Styles.cpp
CVS: abi/src/wp/ap/unix/ap_UnixDialog_Styles.h
CVS: abi/src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Dialog_Styles.cpp
CVS: abi/src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Dialog_Styles.h
CVS: abi/src/wp/ap/xp/ap_String_Id.h psiconv/
CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

This archive was generated by hypermail 2b25 : Sat May 26 2001 - 03:51:04 CDT