Re: right-click to do calculations Non-member submission from []]

Subject: Re: right-click to do calculations Non-member submission from []]
Date: Tue May 22 2001 - 06:13:35 CDT

On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 06:09:25PM -0700, WJCarpenter wrote:
> Cool or not, let's have a quick show of hands: How many of you and
> how often have you wished to have this feature in your word processor?

MS Word 4.x and 5.x did this on the Mac. Back then, I found it much more usefull than launching a seperate app (specially since it was a 16Mhz with 2mb of ram machine).

I don't think it harms to calculate simple expressions with the operators +-*/% and a couple of parenthesis. It's not a hard calculation, and we can have a hardwired limit in order to avoid too much of an overhead.

> If it were there, I might use it occasionally. I certainly wouldn't
> forget it was there, since I'd be seeing that "Calculate value" item
> on my right-click context menu every time I right-clicked on a
> highlighted region.

It has been suggested to appear only when it seems to be a calculation string.

> If you implement this feature, be sure to also offer weights and
> measures conversions, column and row sorting, standard deviations,

I can't see what is related. Someones itch was simple calculation... it ticked Martin's will to do it, so we have a new feature, totally XP, and that won't harm anyone. I really can't see your problem. If someone wants a feature, some feels like implementing it, and can show the source, what's your fscking problem?

Not implementing this feature on the grounds that others (maybe harder) should be implemented as well is... <daffy>unspeakeable</daffy>

Hugs, rms

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