First go at Win32 save/restore window state

Subject: First go at Win32 save/restore window state
Date: Sun Sep 02 2001 - 01:13:54 CDT


Attached is my first attempt at adding Win32 save/restore window state.
It only applies to the 1st window opened, any new windows opened within
the same process are opened the same as before, ie they use system default
placement. The 1st window opened will attempt to load the window placement
information from the user's profile (using previously established
get/set geometry from profile functions) and if appears valid will
set the placement of the window to match, otherwise it falls back to
same behavior as before (ie system default placement). The window's
size (width & height), placement (x & y of upper left corner), and
the windows state (normal,minimized,maximized) are all (re)stored.

I wasn't very sure where these calls should be and some details of
desired behavior, so comments are welcome.

Thank you,
Jeremy Davis

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