bidi question

Subject: bidi question
From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 05:56:21 CDT

I have spent the past couple of days on replacing the present
propriatery bidi algorithm with fribidi library. The initial results are
very encouraging and I am ready to commit the changes, but
before I do so, there are couple of issues:

(1) fribidi uses glib internally; do we have glib available on non-Unix
systems? (there is a way around it, just need to know what the
case is)

(2) I have got the Unix and xp makefiles, but some small changes
to other platform specific makefiles will be needed.

(3) I currently build our, reduced, version of fribidi; I had to make
some small changes, which mean we cannot use standard fribidi
library at the moment; I will see if I could get these changes
incorrporated into the official library, in which case we could use an
external one where available.


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