Suggestion: ugly Hack or subtle hint?

Subject: Suggestion: ugly Hack or subtle hint?
From: Alan (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 09:38:17 CDT

Most of you already know that if you rename an RTF to file.doc
Microsoft Word will open it and most users will be none the wiser.
Most of you probably agree that it would be an ugly and dishonest hack
to claim that Abiword could export word documents when in fact it was
just exporting RTF.
I would like to suggest that we change the Save As dialog so that the
extension are marked as (.rtf, .doc).
I believe that this would be a subtle way to suggest the well known
workaround to users, without being dishonest about it. The default
extension would of course still be .rtf and the users would actively
have to change it to .doc

Is this an unacceptable and ugly hack or is as subtle and discreet as i
think it is? I know this is a long shot, and it is probably more
appropriate for the help documents or a "Tip of the Day" type feature
and it does not bother me to rename the files outside Abiword (or force
the extension by enclosing it in quotes "richtext.doc").

Opinions and criticism please.

Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering? 
I think so, Brain, but scratching just makes it worse.

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