Does the Abiword Bidi version currently build on windows or am I missing something?

Subject: Does the Abiword Bidi version currently build on windows or am I missing something?
From: Kenneth J.Davis (
Date: Sat Sep 15 2001 - 07:42:10 CDT

Hello all,

I have a PII 266 that I have set up as a Windows (VC5) tinderbox client.
I want it to alternate between building the normal abiword distribution
and a bidi build. The normal one works fine, but the bidi one fails
to include glib.h. So, am I missing a library or some other step to
get the bidi build to compile, or does it just currently not compile
under windows? I have never compiled a bidi build before, currently all
I have done is addded ABI_OPT_BIDI_ENABLED=1.

[ I would have had this up earlier this week, but I had problems using
  cygwin 1.3.3 (make would die for no reason), and had to find cygwin
  1.3.2 which works fine.]

Thank you,
Jeremy Davis

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