Re: commit: Lots of RTF fixes.

From: Virgil Arrington Jr. (
Date: Tue Apr 02 2002 - 19:04:23 EST

  • Next message: Jesper Skov: "Re: AbiWord Weekly News #85 (2002, week 13) released"


    Thank you so much for these fixes. It makes a world of difference. I
    downloaded this morning's "nightly build" and found to my delight that my 13
    point blank lines were preserved and that my 1.25 inch margins were also
    preserved. This is wonderful.

    I did notice, however, one strange behavior. If I inserted a footer into
    the document, my 1.25 inch margins were converted back to 1 inch margins
    when the file was loaded into Word. This only happened when loading the
    file into Word; reloading the file into Abi preserved the 1.25 inch margins
    even with the footer. Also, it only happened if there was a footer.
    Without the footer, the 1.25 inch margins were preserved even when loading
    it into Word. (I didn't try it with a header as I rarely use them.)

    Again, thank you for your efforts on the RTF front. This will result in a
    much more useful Abi for those of us who are "stuck" with Word at our places
    of employment.


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