Re: [OT, for Jesper] Re: Loss of enthusiasim for AbiWord

From: Alan Horkan (
Date: Sat Apr 06 2002 - 09:51:41 EST

  • Next message: Piotr Banski: "Re: [OT, for Jesper] Re: Loss of enthusiasim for AbiWord"

    I did not know what a LART was so i STFW (searched the web)
    The Jargon File comes in handy agian

    LART //

    Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool. 1. n. In the collective mythos of scary
    devil monastery, this is an essential item in the toolkit of every BOFH.
    The LART classic is a 2x4 or other large billet of wood usable as a club,
    to be applied upside the head of spammers and other people who cause
    sysadmins more grief than just naturally goes with the job. Perennial
    debates rage on alt.sysadmin.recovery over what constitutes the truly
    effective LART; knobkerries, semiautomatic weapons, flamethrowers, and
    tactical nukes all have their partisans. Compare clue-by-four. 2. v. To
    use a LART. Some would add "in malice", but some sysadmins do prefer to
    gently lart their users as a first (and sometimes final) warning. 3.
    interj. Calling for one's LART, much as a surgeon might call "Scalpel!".
    4. interj. [rare] Used in flames as a rebuke. "LART! LART! LART!"

    On Sat, 6 Apr 2002, Piotr Banski wrote:

    > The complainer is free to continue whining after hearing "No". However,
    > such whining will usually result in the complainer getting flamed by other
    > people. Compare this to the technical support rep of a proprietary
    > software solution, who can not, under any circumstances, give a whiner a
    > rightful LART.


    Remember Puzzle Bobble (and Bubble Bobble)
    Check it out Frozen Bubble

    It is magic, it made my whole afternoon disappear!

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