CVS sandboxes (was Re: New development plans)

From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Thu Apr 25 2002 - 11:43:58 EDT

  • Next message: Jesper Skov: "Re: New development plans"

    At 04:09 PM 4/25/02 +1000, Martin Sevior wrote:
    >HI Hub,
    > I actually liked your first idea of just forking abi to abi-1.2,
    >abiword-plugins to abiword-plugins-1.2 abd hiving development on the hEAD
    >branch of both of those. That way I can cleanly seperate both sets in my
    >local system and trvially do builds against the 1.0 module or 1.2 module.


    What Martin's asking for (separate sandboxes on his machine for 1.0 and 1.2
    development) sounds entirely reasonable. Indeed, it's so reasonable that
    I'm quite confident that other CVS users do this too. ;-)

    Could you dig up the appropriate CVS incantations we'd need, because I'm
    pretty sure it'll become a FAQ?

    My expectation is that it'll be something easy, like:

      cd work
      mkdir legacy
      mkdir head
      cd legacy
      cvs co <module-names> <the branch indicator>
      cd ..
      cd head
      cvs co <module-names> -RHEAD

    IIRC, once you're inside either of the subtrees (work/legacy/*) or
    (work/head/*), then commands like cvs update will do the right thing.


    motto -- that's what CVS is for

    PS: For extra credit, folks who are interested in forking the tree should
    investigate how easy/hard it'll be to move bugfixes between the two
    branches. Again, this is something that CVS was designed for.

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