Re: commit: 1234 (scroll wheel zoom)

From: Rui Miguel Silva Seabra (
Date: Mon Apr 29 2002 - 06:01:29 EDT

  • Next message: Alan Horkan: "Re: Pango on windows"

    On Mon, 2002-04-29 at 06:27, Jesper Skov wrote:
    > > Havoc's argument has many flaws, most of which are based on the
    > > assumption that all users are dumb. When he says must, he means 99%
    > > which is, in practice, all.
    > [snip]
    > > Even though you're an 3133t hax0r, you're naturally lazy.
    > > If you can have all your options in the same dialog, set or not set,
    > > you'll find faster what you need than if you have to read (INSERT LOADS
    > > OF DOCS) just to find that teensy option (if it even exists at all).
    > I don't consider myself dumb, but I do find that too many options is
    > more of a problem than it is a help.
    > Have you ever tried looking for an option in xchat?

    xchat has been frequently pointed out as a paradigmatic example.

    I can't understand why. I always find quite easily what I want in xchat.

    > The many options in many different windows makes it almost impossible to
    > find a particular option.

    That's called dumbifying, but I agree that more advanced options could
    be displayed only in a "higher" level of user experience.

    > No, I'd prefer a text file any day, coz I can *search* in it.

    I could live with that IF all options where clearly visible in the text

    I have no problem with apache's configuration, but still it misses a lot
    of examples in there. My problem is with hidden features that can only
    be accessible either by a registry a-like (that suffers the same too
    much garbage problem, but in an even worse condition than preferences

    > However, there's no law against new ways of doing things. So I'd
    > suggest, in addition to the existing pref tabs, we get one that's called
    > "raw options", "advanced", or something like that, containing *all*
    > options.
    > It should *not* include buttons, check boxes, fields and whatnot laid
    > out in the normal (and very space consuming way). It should contain a
    > list with two columns:
    > option name setting
    > the setting column should be able to hold check boxes, fields and
    > whatever necessary. It should also allow searching.
    > The option name column should have tooltips describing the action of the
    > individual option.
    > And the list should be searchable, and sortable on both option name and
    > setting.

    Now we're talking business :) This is a lot more sane than what has been
    done in GNOME2, in a general way.

    > This has several advantages that I can see:
    > o options collected in one place
    > o options available in AbiWord, not just the config file
    > o doesn't take up gazillions of preference tabs on acount
    > of needing fancy&bloaty layout.
    > o doesn't need development time to make said layout
    > o allows quick overview of what options are enabled/disabled
    > o allows searching for options

    > The only disadvantage I can think of is that there's probably no
    > existing widget that does all this for us. So it has to be programmed.
    > But then, it only has to be programmed once.

    Tables (2xn or nx2 depending on how you look at it :) )?
    As for the settings column, well, it just has to have different

    I do agree with your proposal Jesper.

    Hugs, rms

    + No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
    + Whatever you do will be insignificant,
    | but it is very important that you do it -- Ghandi
    + So let's do it...?

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