Re: modest proposal -- use po, but not mo?

From: Christian Biesinger (
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 03:23:48 EDT

  • Next message: Andrew Dunbar: "Re: modest proposal -- use po, but not mo?"

    On Mon, Apr 29, 2002 at 04:16:11PM -0700, Paul Rohr wrote:
    > 1. isolate the strings
    > -----------------------
    > Prepare the sources so that gettext can extract strings to a .PO file.
    > To make this work, I think we'd just need to redefine the existing
    > *String_id.h file macros.

    Actually, the only thing that needs to be done is put N_(...) around the
    literal strings there (and #define N_(x) x at the top), that should be
    enough for gettext to be able to extract the strings.

    > 2. translate them
    > ------------------
    > Have the translators work with and check in .PO files. (These are a plain
    > text format, right?)

    Yes, plain text. They look like this:
    #: src/af/xap/xp/xap_String_Id.h:1234
    msgid "Some English String"
    msgstr "Localized string"

    Hm, I just realized that your approach does not help the case of identical
    english strings in different contexts. They'd get merged together (at
    least that's what the gettext tool does). If your tool would put the same
    string more than once in the file, this would probably confuse translation

    > 3. transform the result
    > ------------------------
    > At *build time*, instead of running a gettext tool to create a .MO file,
    > run one that creates a strings file with the appropriate IDs.

    That would require a tool which has a mapping of IDs to strings...

    > NOTE: This means that people wouldn't have to create strings files by
    > hand any more. So long as we have a way to keep track of the encoding (so
    > iconv can find it), that shouldn't be a problem.

    Couldn't your tool directly convert the strings from whatever encoding the
    .po is in (the header contains this info) to UTF-8 (or another one, being
    always the same) when generating the strings file?

    Or would that be incompatible with the strings file format? I've never
    taken a look at them...

    > To make this work, we'd need two little tools -- one that creates or
    > updates a PO file given a pair of appropriately macroized string_id.h files

    You could use the normal gettext tools for this, if you really mark them
    the way I suggested above.

    "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
    safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                                                     -- Benjamin Franklin

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