modest proposal -- use po, but not mo?

From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Mon Apr 29 2002 - 19:16:11 EDT

  • Next message: Hubert Figuiere: "Re: branch tonight"

    One last idea on the gettext front. I just took a look at the current .mo
    file format:

    It's obviously optimized for string lookups (which we don't need). However,
    it *would* be nice to have our translators only need to deal with .po files.
    So then I asked myself ... why use the MO file format at all?

    AFAICT, there are four different steps needed here:

      1. isolate the strings
      Prepare the sources so that gettext can extract strings to a .PO file.
      To make this work, I think we'd just need to redefine the existing
      *String_id.h file macros.

      2. translate them
      Have the translators work with and check in .PO files. (These are a plain
      text format, right?)

      3. transform the result
      At *build time*, instead of running a gettext tool to create a .MO file,
      run one that creates a strings file with the appropriate IDs.

      NOTE: This means that people wouldn't have to create strings files by
      hand any more. So long as we have a way to keep track of the encoding (so
      iconv can find it), that shouldn't be a problem.

      4. at runtime, look up the strings
      Instead of doing all that ID --> en-US mapping, just use the existing
      logic as is.

    To make this work, we'd need two little tools -- one that creates or
    updates a PO file given a pair of appropriately macroized string_id.h files
    (for step 1) and one that transforms a PO file back into a strings file (for
    step 3). Everything else stays the same.

      - we need zero new code at runtime
      - translators just work with PO files as usual

      - this sounds so easy, it's almost gotta be a dumb idea

    What am I missing here?


    PS: When I studied literary theory, this was *not* the kind of po-mo critic
    I was training to become.

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