Various things, multiple names, happy August Fool's Day

From: E . A . Zen (
Date: Thu Aug 01 2002 - 01:27:52 EDT

  • Next message: Jesper Skov: "Re: Various things, multiple names, happy August Fool's Day"

    To whom it may concern (i.e. I really don't know who to point this out to)

    I have glib2 installed (GnoRPM says so!) yet I continue to get this odd message about pointing to "glib-2.0.pc"
    I can't find any such file anywhere (I don't just mean on my system, and yes, queried the rpm*), even gave it the ol' google go! It's an unfile.

    rpm* I attempted to install it via source several times, even to the extent of copying and pasting from the install/build or whichever file it was. I gave in and grabbed the most non-specific rpm for it I could find (no Ximian surprises).


    To Jesper

    I grabbed my first CVS Abi (and other related files) Monday night-ish. I failed to located an XML directory or any of the scripts you mentioned (rescinded?). Since you haven't checked in since the 29th, dunno when you'll get this, but I'll make do.


    To whom it may concern (dom, hub?)

    Where will I be sending AbiWord Weekly News #103 (2002, week 30) for publication? Ja, ist goed question (Pitr)


    To hub

    When we (Jesper en me) first spoke of this (up there on 2002.07.27 01:09), Jesper (and indirectly, me) asked if you would be willing to pop these things up on the server, ref below. Have you? Would you be willing to? Can I beg real nice?

    "I have checked the script into the CVS with the other scripts now. Let me know when you have set it up, then I'll send you an archive of the stats from the last 12+ months.

    On second thought, it may be better to set it up on the server so the stats are guaranteed to be collected, even your box is switched off.

    Hub, could you help with that? May want to make the script delete week-old graphs so it doesn't take up too much space. We would also need for it to make the graphs available for AWN editors somehow - maybe copy the graph images to a directory in the www tree?"

    Random oddity: Jesper answered things twice, slightly different each time. This is just one message referring to you in the small in-archive dialogue.


    To whom it won't concern.

    I've switched back to Windows because I've learnt to appreciate the resource preservation, the scalability, the security and the stability. I really enjoy that more-static-than-kde interface and the large programmes that have everything in one place, even when the relating library has absolutely nothing to do with the application. I've come to enjoy having anti-Bobs of all types asking me if I'd like help removing my pirated (Free) software and whether I would like help in writing my suicide letter. The completely undeveloped kernel assures me that I'm using the VERY same software that made DOS 4.0 so powerful and stable. You can't beat the test of time!

    Happy August Fool's Day.

    Dedicated to the late James Baughn of

    Happy August Fool's Day^2

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