Better than isOnScreen.

From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Thu Aug 01 2002 - 02:04:00 EDT

  • Next message: E . A . Zen: "RE: Various things, multiple names, happy August Fool's Day"

    Hi Everyone,
                As the author of the isOnScreen() comment, in retrospect I think we
    can do much better than looping through the document looking for

    AbiWord really needs to have all it's blocks formatted all the time. If
    we just format the blocks currently on screen we'll get into problems as
    Dom's crasher bugs testify. In any case we can do much better by
    utilizing a technique similar to our spellchecking code.

    What we want are a queue of dirty blocks (or fl_ContainerLayouts) that
    get formatted as quickly as possible. This is simply a matter of
    creating a queue data structure that is filled whenever the markAsDirty
    method is called. We also need to start a background reformatter as soon
    as the queue is non empty. This runs in the gtkIdle() time ASAP just
    like our spellchecking code.

    This way we don't have to scan the entire document to find the blocks
    that need formatting and we don't have to wait 0.5 seconds the
    background updater to fire. The combination should give us subtantially
    improved performance.

    In addition the reformatter is not limited to blocks, any
    fl_ContainerLayout could be placed in the queue and it's format method

    isOnScreen is very useful for the autoUpdating fields and for redrawing
    dirty text and I think we should leave the background updater in place
    for that.

    In any case when HEAD stablizes a bit more, it would be worthwhile
    implementing this.

    First though, lets get HEAD back into good working order.



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