RE: Various things, multiple names, happy August Fool's Day

From: E . A . Zen (
Date: Thu Aug 01 2002 - 02:47:37 EDT

  • Next message: Jesper Skov: "RE: Various things, multiple names, happy August Fool's Day"

    > I grabbed my first CVS Abi (and other related files) Monday night-ish. I failed to located an XML directory or any of the scripts you mentioned (rescinded?). Since you haven't checked in since the 29th, dunno when you'll get this, but I'll make do.
    > You need to have (write) access to and check out the
    > tree:
    > write access? I checked it out under, or atleast it did all the outputty thingies(Stef) and made many files which are there and (in theory) compilable.
    > You need CVS write access in order to check in new issues of AWN for
    > them to show up on the web.
    > Jesper

    Ah, look at me!

    Thank you for clarifying "You need to have (write) access to and check out the <nl> tree:"

    Anything else I should know before Sunday night / Monday morning?

    Any "OBTW"s or "It sticks coming out of second and the first cell of the table needs to be cleaned up" or in general suggestions that could help along the way?

    Special thoughts, curiosity or warnings?

    - Zen

    .oO(Try not to blow something up)

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