Re: cursor blinking problem

From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Fri Aug 02 2002 - 16:54:52 EDT

  • Next message: Tomas Frydrych: "Re: cursor blinking problem"

    Martin sent this to me privately, but I think this needs to go to the list,
    it raises an important issue -- I hope Martin does not mind.

    > HI Tomas,
    > Think this through very very carefully. I'm not saying it can't be
    > done
    > but it is not obvious to me right now. The issue is cursor dirt. If
    > the cursor is on (black) and a clearScreen is called over the cursor
    > then it gets set to white even though the internal state says it's
    > black. Then if the blink thread XOR's it now it will turn to black
    > even though the cursor's internal state says it should be white.
    > What is even worse is if the clear screen stops after clear the first
    > set of vertical pixels. Now the cursor is half white, half back and no
    > matter what, it looks funny and your guarenteed to get pixel dirt.
    > Getting rid of cursor dirt was a real pain, I worry that putting the
    > blink into a seperate thread will mess it all up.

    I do not want the change the actual way the cursor behaves, only
    put the timer which fires it into a separate thread so that it fires
    every 500 ms and does not get blocked by some other timer. That's

    I had a look at Mike's cursor class; it looks very good, but it would
    mean to rip the whole cursor code up, and that's not something I
    personnally want to do just now.


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